Cooling Tech
The future for the sale of fresh products at points of sale

→ store pre-baked (80 %) products for up to 7 days
→ relative humidity regulated to 96 %
→ antibacterial and anti-mould treatment by UV illumination
→ storage of large loads
→ night work can be carried out during the day
→ the daily work can be spread over the week
→ reduction of labour costs for night work
→ better product conservation in an atmosphere with high relative humidity
→ final baking at points of sale = continuous availability of your full range of fresh products
Bakery refrigeration in all forms for professionals

→ controlled proving
→ carrier
→ shock deep-freeze tunnel
→ refrigerating cabinet
→ deep-freeze and storage cell
→ storage and preservation cupboard for fresh cream
→ freezing cell
→ with or without refrigerating unit
→ "hot gas" defrosting
→ "silent box" for refrigerating unit

- Appareils prêts à brancher
- Commande à écran tactile
- Plage de temperature -12°C à + 45°C
- Contrôle automatique de l'air pulsé sur 200 niveaux pendant la phase de décongélation/fermentation entièrement en acier - inoxydable
Shock deep-freeze compartment adaptable to negative and positive temperature cabinets

→ gentle air circulation
→ can be combined with refrigeration (positive temperature) and storage (negative temperature) cabinets
→ according to requirements, with gates with negative or positive temperatures, with or without shock deep-freeze
→ up to a maximum of 15 gates